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Learn how you can generate windscreen repair profit

The main goal of running your own business is not to stay in business or keep yourself busy. The goal of business is to always make a profit. Take a look at the infographic below to see how profitable a windscreen repair business can be. All it takes to become a profitable business owner is hard work, consistent job quality, dedication and the entrepreneurial spirit. The sky is the limit.

Windscreenrepair profit infographic


Make more money with more windscreen repairs

  • Earn $256.00 per hour profit with a double bridge system!
  • Repair just one windscreen per day, five days per week to generate $16,900 in annual income.
  • Repair ten windscreens per day to generate $169,000 in annual income!
  • Labor time is only 10 to 30 minutes per repair so by using multiple bridge assemblies, it is possible to complete 20 repairs or more, in one day!
  • Most insurance companies will waive the comprehensive deductible and pay the entire cost of the repair. Almost anyone can achieve high-quality windscreen repairs, with only an hour or two of practice and using Delta Kit professional windscreen repair system is simple, fun and profitable. Can you afford not to own a Delta Kit?

*Based on 14 drops per repair (Magnibond) and 1 drop per repair (Pit Resin). Approximately 1,000 drops per ounce (Magnibond) and 280 drops per bottle (Pit Resin). Calculations do not include labor cost and are intended for illustration only. Results vary by user depending on sales & marketing efforts of each individual, as well as the level of skill developed

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Become Financially Independent

With windscreen repair, you may earn an additional income stream while enjoying the freedom of being your own boss. Additional income will allow you to not just meet your basic needs (food, housing, healthcare) but also buy expensive things you always wanted to own or try.

Take Control of Your Time

When you make more money, you will have greater control how you spend your time. You will have an option to work closer to home, work fewer hours and spend more leisure time with family and friends. Money will also make your life easier.


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