What else do i need to know?
We know how difficult it can be to start your own business – we’ve been there – which is why we want to give you a little extra help to get you started. This packaged customer service offering will give you the steps and knowledge you need to start your windshield repair and/or headlight restoration business with a bang.
Our goal here is to help set you up for success. We’ll tell you the tips and tricks of the industry, as well as educate you on the ins and outs of starting your business. At the end of the day – the power is in your hands of getting your business up and running. We see such a huge value in not only offering high-quality products and services but helping our customers reach their potential in such a rewarding and relevant industry. When you’re successful, we’re successful, and that’s why we got into the business in the first place – to help customers start their own business just like you.